What are the ways to resolve property disputes?

Property Disputes

Property Dispute Introduction: One of the most common legal disputes in India is property disputes. Asset expropriation cases, ownership of property, sale and purchase of property and disputes related to securities. And it is not uncommon for members of the same family to dispute over a share of property, especially brothers over ownership of property. … Read more

What you should know before buying land in india?

What you should know before buying land in india

Before buying land in India, it’s crucial to be well-informed and cautious to avoid potential legal and financial pitfalls. Here are key points to consider : Title Verification : Ensure the seller has a clear title to the land. This involves verifying that the seller is the rightful owner and that there are no legal … Read more

What is rights of pathway and how to get right of pathway?

How to get rights of pathway?

A right of pathway refers to an easement that gives an individual or entity the legal right to use a particular path or way located on another person’s property. This right of pathway allows access to a specific place such as a road or building along the created path, even if the path is located … Read more