How can I resolve my property dispute?

Property disputes

What is Property Dispute? Property disputes are high in most states in India. That too especially in Tamilnadu where property disputes sometimes turn into high risk criminal cases. Due to disagreements between the two sides, fights occur and people go to the steps of the court to seek a just decision. Let’s continue to learn … Read more

What is partition deed and complete information about partition deed?

partition deed

Introduction of Partition Deed? People in India mostly live together as joint families and their properties are joint and this partition deed is used to share it with each other without any problem. This partition deed is known as Partition deed. Disputes between owners can arise due to joint property and you can create a partition … Read more

Which one is better gift deed or will deed?

gift deed or will deed

Introduction. Assets can be transferred to a loved one without any consideration either through a gift deed or a will. Today we will know the pros and cons of both. First let’s look at the explanation of the name of gift deed because it goes by many names such as gift deed, settlement bond, gift deed, … Read more