Complete Legal Explanation of Promissory Note.

Promissory Note

What is promissory note? People of ancient times had barter system. Then the kings gave token bows of gold, silver, brass and leather with their seals as pledges. It was in general circulation among the people of ancient times. Traders used only undi cards for their convenience. With the passage of time, different methods have … Read more

What is Court Summons and Paper Publication Order?

Summons and Paper Publication Order

After filing the case in the court summons is issued by the court to inform the respondent about the case and to invite him to the court and plead. When he does not receive the summons, we invite him to appear before the court under the order of paper publication, and let will know in … Read more

How can I resolve my property dispute?

Property disputes

What is Property Dispute? Property disputes are high in most states in India. That too especially in Tamilnadu where property disputes sometimes turn into high risk criminal cases. Due to disagreements between the two sides, fights occur and people go to the steps of the court to seek a just decision. Let’s continue to learn … Read more